Monday, April 27, 2009

Mon. afternoon, 04/27/09


When I turned on the radio this a.m. I learned swine flu is in the news.

From the library I borrowed "Babe" on video cassette. At Champlain Veterinary Clinic Wanda told me Dr. Gunther used to have a pet pig named Newton. The pig was fond of Fig Newton cookies. My maternal grandmother had a pet pig named Arnold.

On Easter Sunday earlier this month (04/12/09) I wrote this poem to defeat boredom.

Grey sky spits out a few snowflakes

Heavy traffic includes all models & makes.

A walk yielded five empties or 25 cents

Neighbor allowed dog to poop (I have no fence.)

On gravel I did 50 jumping jacks & jumped rope

Fresh air & exercise help me cope.

In cardboard pots I sowed some seeds

for zucchini, mint, & probably weeds.

I slipped my feet into barn boots not Crocs

to stretch plastic on garden anchored with rocks.

The weather today is hazy, hot, & humid. The temp is above 80 degrees Fahrenheit!

Now I'm going to play the piano.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Fri., 04/17/09

Before leaving the house on foot to do errands this a.m. I watered lettuce, spinach, & turnip green seeds in the ground & radish seeds in a whiskey barrel.
Late this morning the sun retreated from the sky. Now the sky is overcast. Rain is forecast for tonight & tomorrow.

In the winter the USPS returned application & cover letter I mailed to Old Mill Troy because the plant doesn't have a mail receptacle in St. Albans. This a.m. I handed the original envelope to a woman seated behind a desk in the office.
Now I'm pursuing a job as an independent contractor for a credit card processing company. This weekend I'll visit the web site to learn more about rates & svcs. I think I'll enjoy meeting merchants in northern Vt.
Thank you for your interest in my whereabouts & doings.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tues. a.m., 04/14/09

This afternoon I have been asked to play the piano during a Holiday House tea party. I thought the event was scheduled for next Tuesday.
My hair needs to be trimmed. I like the Haircuts Plus salon on Williston Rd. in South Burlington. It's bright & airy. Mon. afternoon, 04/20/09 I have a dental appt. in South Burlington. The outing will include a trip to the Chittenden Solid Waste District Drop-Off Ctr. on Patchen Rd. with household waste & recyclables.
Last Thurs., 04/09/09 I sowed lettuce & spinach seeds in the ground & radish seeds in a whiskey barrel. Soon I'll enjoy fresh salads.
Now I'm going to sit on the piano bench & practice. Should I drive or walk to Holiday House? The weather today is sunny.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sat., 04/04/09


Crocuses & tulips are emerging from the ground on the south side of my house. Today's rain is beneficial.

This a.m. I returned three video cassettes & a book to St. Albans Free Library. I walked home via a railroad track & an industrial park so I could collect empties. I wasn't disappointed. I also found four heavy decorative pieces of metal or iron beside the rr track. They might make an attractive flower bed border.

In the kitchen I made a pot of soup after cooking barley & lentils separately. In the oven I baked bread & six potatoes together. Later today or tomorrow I'll dice the potatoes to make salad with onion, oil, & vinegar. I don't have any celery.

Last wk. I visited Holiday House after I expressed an interest in playing the piano. The HH upright piano sounds tinny. Is it out of tune? Maddie would like me to assist with April activities.

Last Tues., 03/31/09 I collected trash, recyclables, & redeemables along the Missisquoi Rail Trail from the parking lot in St. Albans to a farm about 3 miles away. It only took my about 90 minutes. Due to the damp weather at midday I met only two people & two dogs on the trail.

Thanks for reading today's post.
